Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hunger games blogout

So Katniss almost got killed but luckily Thresh let her go. Peeta and katniss are still working together. But when peeta had said something about killing Thresh katniss was like nooooo..!!!!! She does not want any one else to die. But come on its the hunger games you have to kill !!!.  I  think Peeta got scared when  Katniss said go to the field because Thresh the field and all that grass is like his territory And their is snakes  that like live in the grass i think i would be scared to.  I do not like snakes so i am with peeta on that one. The  book is getting closer and closer too being fimished. I think this book is beast because when it started i didnt reaally like it but  stuff is getting heated up and people are getting killed this book is getting awesome ! I think Peeta got very  heated when he was like no 1 dont u die for me and this and that and he started to tighten her hand up . I think it was cute how Peeta was like he liked katniss every since they were kids and he told her what his father said. I dont think she believed him at first but then she started to recall the things that hapened when she were five years old. And that was basically the summary of what has happened in the chapter

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what it was that made Peeta like Katniss for so long? I mean, they didn't really interact with each other as kids, other than with the whole bread thing. I'm also wondering that if knowing that Peeta liked her all this time is what is causing Katniss to rethink her feelings about him. hmmmm....
