Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hunger games chapter 20 blog out

I thought peeta mellark was going to die because his fever was going up really high but katniss had to lie to him and said that it was going down just to calm him down a little bit. Katniss had got some medicine thankfully and stuffed like about 4 spoons of medicine in his mouth and Peeta soon realized it was just syrup but katniss told him it was some sugar berries her mom made or something. And then soon then Peeta started falling asleep. Claudius templesmith made an announcement about a feast. I thought it was a type of feast for peetas medicine. But it was a feast to pull the tributes together. But peeta doesnt want katniss to go. And she lied and said that she was not going but she really is.. And then he said that she was such a bad liar. I dont think she lied on purpose i think she lied because Too just let peeta know he is going to be okay.


  1. I did to because he was not doing good at all but of it was not for kitniss then I don't think he could have didn't all by him self nothing he really needed her but he don't won't kitniss to go to the feast because he said he don't won't her to get hurt for him so she gave him something that wil make him go to sleep so she going to go and hope to be back befor he wake up and she might have to fight because all the other tributes are going to be there to and they ally might try to jump on here so she will just have to do the best she can and fight the bast way she no how

  2. I think that it was good that she lied to him because, he's being really stubborn right now and she needs to get that medicine for him. If Katniss dies when she trying to get that's all over

  3. I think that lieing might be good someties because not always do you get to do something u want . But it can aslo be bad because u might get hurt or something bad might happen to you, for not listening.

  4. @jaylon i agree... @ junior i know right
