Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Scream Tour

My cousins and I went to the Concert called the scream tour in Columbia, South Carolina.  The concert included Mindless behavior,Omg Girlz,Hamilton Parks, Lil trill, Jacob lattimore and Diggy Simmons. This Was going to be the best concert. The concert took place at a big building called the Township auditorium. Once we arrived at the concert we sat down . It was so many girls their .  I was so excited about seeing mindless behavior . When we were at the concert it got very quiet and then some girls got on stage and were great. I was just ready to see mindless behavior. So then after that group  this young star called Lil trill performed the crowd went crazy. We were still waiting for mindless behavior .

After Lil trill and the first group were great . Omg Girlz then Hamilton Parks they were  great also but i was waiting to see mindless behavior.Diggy  Simmons did great all the girls went so crazy .Then finally Mindless behavior was about to be up. When mindless behavior performed i was so excited because that is who i wanted to see the whole crowd went so crazy . Their were people trying to run on stage. Mindless behavior did very good. I was so excited .  I was going to run on stage but their were too many Body guards.

 Ray ray , prodigy, Roc royal and Princeton The announcer called their names as they stepped on stage . I couldnt believe that i was in the same building as mindless behavior it was so crazy . The concert was  fantastic .  The  concert was over and everybody left.  Girls were still acting crazy.  They all was screaming . But  the concert was a concert to remember and i will never forget.


  1. Sounds like a pretty good time....lots of mindless behavior at the Mindless Behavior concert. Was this just last year?

  2. That was great..looks like this the best time of the year for you huh...spending time with your cousins and.. seeing Mindless Behavior,Did your ears hurt at the end of the concert from the screams????
